Monday, October 27, 2008

An Amazing Dedication Ceremony for The Rock!!

The Rock Dedication ceremony was awesome! So many students and members of UConn's administration came out to show their support. USG President Ryan McHardy and University President Michael Hogan made excellent speeches about the importance of the tradition. In addition, President Hogan discussed his "detective" skills to find The Rock, learn about its origin, and bring it back to once again reclaim its strong presence. As seen above, everyone had the opportunity to paint their names or a message on The Rock. For example, people wrote "Seniors 2009" or gave a personal shout out to their organization. The UConn alumni marching band played our treasured fight song, really setting the tone for this once in a lifetime event. Hopefully the new attention drawn to The Rock will push other student groups to get involved. Especially since so many people did an amazing job at lip sync and Homecoming! Keep painting, and I'll keep watching....

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